Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hot today, drywall, insulation, first coat

Tonight billn completed the necessary minor carpentry, hung the remaining drywall, insulated the exterior wall and applied the first coat of drywall compound. It was in the mid-80's when billn started. But he prevailed. No pictures, the camera didn't feel like working today.

It was so hot, it was hot like pastrami. This line is for the Brooklyn Barrister. Another line for the BB: Billn had to redrive all those screws you drove without dimples; "they are under the tape." They weren't.

Jenm picked up Lauren, a niece to help with childcare over the long weekend. Hopefully we will complete painting in the bedrooms and upstairs hallway, paint the living room and first floor bathroom, install the vinyl self-adhesive flooring in the first floor bathroom and paint the laundry room.

Sandy is coming up tomorrow for the long weekend also, so with the extra hands, we feel good about meeting our goal.

Movers come Wednesday to haul our furniture and washer-dryer to the house. The end of living in Plainfield is near.


JenM said...

How about the truth? Is it out there too?

Bill N. said...

Fight the future.