Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tuesday was little work, other things needed to happen

Yesterday (Tuesday 05/01/2007) included a parent night at Senior daughter's school and a community well meeting. Our abode is outside the municipal water supply district, instead we (with six other homeowners) share a large well and distribution system. Billn attended and met many neighbors.

Our well is about 75' deep. We have two large pressure tanks and a UV (ultraviolet light) disinfectant system. Pretty neat stuff. We have a ~2,500 gallon concrete storage tank; the level of the tank controls the operation of the submersible well pump. Line pressure determines the operation of the distribution pump. The pumphouse is piped with 2" galvanized and polyethylene piping. Billn leanred most of the neighbors have water softeners and filters. Our home has only a filter. A softener is coming soon.

Jenm put the first coat of finish on the surrender monkey door during the day. Billn successfully returned the copper tubing. The PEX tubing, fittings and crimp tool are scheduled to arrive today.

On second shift yesterday (after well meeting and site visit), billn installed a few boxes in the living room and stripped/spliced some wiring there.

Tonight's work should include more joint compound on floor 2 and snaking telephone, cable and thermostat wiring to the appropriate locations on both floors.


Anonymous said...

Are the neighbors happy with the well or do the want municipal water? Do the neigbors that use well decide on the contractor that maintains the well or is it the government that controls and manages the well?

brooklyn barrister

Bill N. said...

This is Vermont, not your communist state. We have a preferred, normal maintenance contractor. There are so few moving parts, we do not need to worry about extensive competitive bidding, Wicks law, MWBE involvement and other governmental rules and regulations your agency exists to enforce.

There is no government involvement in our well. We have enough liberty to avoid maintaining our well and poison ourselves. We believe in survival in the fittest (an the corollary of death to the weakest).